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Tolling insights solution

Confidently manage toll road investments

Tolling industry investors and infrastructure asset managers can see how traffic moves through target corridors to measure expected usage and revenues for toll roads.

Get started

Forecast toll road demand and improve operational efficiency with industry-leading traffic insights

Get empirical data

Confidently model revenues and validate results with real-world origin-destination travel patterns for your toll system.

Enhance collaboration

Easily share data and visualizations with partners to make critical investment decisions.

Rely on trusted insights

Concessionaires, public agencies, and consulting firms have powered hundreds of toll road projects with StreetLight.

Effective toll road planning depends on empirical traffic data

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Revenue forecasting

Perform economic studies to model expected future revenue from tolls based on current driving behaviors compared to up-front investments.

Before and after studies

Travel back in time to evaluate changes in road usage resulting from toll rate or infrastructure changes.

Public engagement

Market the benefits of toll roads based on safety, congestion, and travel time reliability comparisons to alternate roadways.


Track toll road usage, along with historical demographic data, to provide reports for agencies and partners.

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Quantifying the impact of a toll price reduction

Read case study
The challenge

San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)’s tolling authorities wanted to ensure that their efforts to alter toll pricing to shift congestion away from a busy road did not adversely impact low-income populations. They needed a before-and-after view of the toll road, and traditional surveys would have been expensive and time-consuming without providing sufficient answers.

Data-based solution

SANDAG worked with Fehr & Peers using StreetLight’s data to compare car and truck traffic volumes and speeds overlaid with demographics) before and after the toll systems change. The study confirmed that commuter traffic had shifted from I-805 to the tollway, especially during morning peak travel time. Demographic metrics showed that all income groups were equally impacted by the traffic shift.

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StreetLight Tolling: At a glance

Get started

Understand how traffic moves through a corridor and where it enters and exits to measure the usage of target roads for tolls.

Personal vehicle and truck metrics

Incorporate travel patterns of both cars and trucks to include all vehicles in demand forecasts.

Congestion metrics

Analyze toll road travel times and congestion compared to alternate routes based on VMT, VHD, speeds, and free flow factor.

Time trends

Track roadway performance over time with segment-level insights for the last five years.

Validated traffic metrics

Metrics have been used and consistently validated by transportation professionals and against permanent traffic counters.

Check out other StreetLight products

Access our full suite of tools and visualizations to solve all your most pressing transportation planning challenges.

Financial and Asset Management

Make confident investment decisions based on recent, validated data about how the market moves.

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Corridor Studies

Accelerate corridor improvements with multi-year mobility trends, available in minutes.

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Congestion Management

Solve bottlenecks with quick access to multi-year traffic insights for all your roads in one easy-to-use platform.

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Our customers

See why they chose StreetLight

StreetLight provides a cost-effective medium to assess O-D patterns at large scale, with minimum biases, and at a fraction of the cost of traditional surveys.
Lucile Kellis
Head of Data Science and Analytics, Steer
We saw that only 25-30% of trips were just passing through [the I-205 corridor]… and seeing consistency between [StreetLight and our Regional Travel Demand Model] was really encouraging.
Mat Dolata
Transportation Engineering Director, WSP
We helped our client realize we could do the O-D study on the cloud with less expensive data.
Jorge Barrios
Associate Engineer, Kittelson & Associates
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Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about StreetLight’s Tolling product features, benefits, and more.

What are tolling insights solutions?

StreetLight’s tolling insights solution delivers real-time data on Origin-Destination (O-D) patterns, vehicle speeds, travel times, congestion factors, and more to help customers understand how drivers interact with and experience toll roads. These metrics can help measure toll usage and toll avoidance, as well as understand how tolls impact traffic flow.

What data sources are used for tolling insights solutions?

Our solution uses data collected from connected vehicles and the Internet of Things, which is rigorously anonymized, validated, and processed by our Route Science® engine to turn these trillions of data points into recognizable mobility metrics like Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT), O-D, and more.

Does StreetLight provide Origin-Destination (O-D) data for tolling?

Yes, StreetLight provides O-D data to help predict demand for potential new toll roads and measure the usage (or avoidance) of existing tolls.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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