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Electric grid demand forecasting

Prepare the grid for the EV revolution

Future-proof grid infrastructure for accelerating electric vehicle adoption. Be prepared for the increase in electricity demand over the coming decades to hit ambitious state-wide and federal Net Zero goals.

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Energy charging infrastructure

Build demand forecasts with trusted transportation data

Power companies can rely on validated car and truck metrics for modeling and planning.

Analyze origin-destination travel

See where drivers are coming from and going to prepare the electric grid for commute-, visit-, or home-based charging.

Plan for passenger and commercial vehicles

See how both cars and trucks travel throughout your service area to incorporate expanding fleet electrification into your models.

Look at traffic at any location

Zoom in on traffic patterns by roadway, zip code, or entire region to plan for location-specific infrastructure upgrades.

Get trusted data inputs

Access the insights used by states and cities across the country for national EV infrastructure planning.

Power utilities use today’s travel data to confidently plan for the future

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Region-wide analysis

Get a granular view of current travel across your entire service area to understand where future EVs will need to charge by roadway or zip code.

Grid load forecasting

Incorporate validated vehicle travel data into your models to forecast future grid demand down to 15-minute intervals.

Rate design

Design charging rates or time-of-use-based tariffs to spread out peak grid load based on the expected number of vehicles by the time of day and day of the week.

Utility infrastructure planning

Prioritize substation repairs and upgrades and site Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment to prepare for expected electric vehicle adoption.

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Getting ahead of EV charging demand with transportation analytics

Read case study
The challenge

Eversource, New England’s largest utility, is readying itself for the accelerating demand of EV charging. To ensure capacity at bulk stations and power plants, the utility needed to know when, where, and how long drivers charge. Knowing that MassDOT’s NEVI plan was powered by StreetLight analytics, Eversource also turned to StreetLight to enhance their travel pattern modeling and build charging profiles through 2050.

Data-driven solution

Eversource modelers used StreetLight Vehicle Volume by time of day, type of day, season, vehicle type, and zip code to understand how EV charging demand fluctuates across their entire service area. Modelers determined where power supply updates would be needed, and charging management teams planned strategies such as rate design and overnight adaptive charging to spread out peak demand and ensure ample capacity.

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StreetLight for Energy and Power: At a glance

Get started

Get localized or long-distance origin-destination travel patterns.

Vehicle volumes by type

Access recent validated car and truck volumes nationwide.

Temporal and geographic granularity

Look at metrics by the time of day and day of the week by roadway for nuanced analysis.

Multiple data delivery options

Access data in the web platform, via API, or delivered as a bulk file.

Check out other StreetLight products

Access our full suite of tools and visualizations to solve all your most pressing electrification and climate challenges.

GHG Measurement

Set accurate GHG baselines to identify realistic focus areas to reduce carbon emissions.

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EV Charger Deployment

Harness recent region-wide transportation data to plan EV infrastructure that taps into the fast-growing market demand.

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Our customers

See why they chose StreetLight

As MassDOT plans its electrification transition…it made a lot of sense to base both [their and our] analyses on StreetLight to…have consistency between the transportation agency and the infrastructure side.
Gerhard Walker
Manager of Advanced Forecasting and Modelling, Eversource
[….] As a result of this process, we can build a resilient network, plan for future needs and ensure equitable access.
Kandee Bahr Worley
Division Chief of NV2X Planning, Nevada DOT
Dwell time and trip attributes like distance, duration, and purpose help our model better predict when vehicles charge and for how long.
Mahfuz Ali Shuvra
Modeler, Eversource
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Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about StreetLight’s Energy and Power features, benefits, and more.

What is electric grid demand data?

This type of specialized data helps energy and power companies translate information on how vehicles move into insights on EV charging demand that can impact grid load and infrastructure performance.

How does your solution collect and analyze electric grid demand data?

Trillions of data points from connected vehicles and the Internet of Things are anonymized, aggregated, and processed by StreetLight’s Route Science® engine to generate insights on where, when, and why vehicles move. From this recent vehicle data, energy and power companies can then predict where and when grid load will peak, and how charging demand will change over time as EV usage grows.

Who can benefit from using your electric grid demand data?

Electric utilities and public agencies are already using StreetLight’s electric grid demand data to measure, map, and predict EV charging demand across the U.S. and Canada. Fueling and charging retailers also use data on charging demand to decide where to add EV charging stations, anticipate when upgrades or repairs may be needed, and design charging fees. In each of these cases, data on electric grid demand can also facilitate public-private partnerships focused on long-term electrification.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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