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Truck volume data

Measure freight corridor performance and bottlenecks

Build reliable, cost-effective, and safe statewide and regional freight plans. Measure the impacts of truck activity on freight corridors to promote the freight network’s reliability, resiliency, and the region’s economic growth.


Get started

Accelerate your freight planning with the industry's most robust truck activity data, available in minutes

Enhance planning and policy with detailed truck data.

Save time with truck activity dashboard

Easy-to-use platform with preprocessed volumes and congestion metrics for all major roads.

Get rich analytics to understand the 'why'

Analyze truck activity by vehicle weight class, industry, and trip type.

Contextualize truck data with other modes

Supplement truck data with vehicle, bike, pedestrian, and transit data.

Use best-in-class trucking data to reduce trade barriers, evaluate economic impact, and improve safety

Get started
Freight Corridor Study

Prioritize corridors and justify investments with truck traffic patterns for all corridors.

Bottleneck Analysis

Pinpoint freight bottlenecks on rural and urban routes with performance metrics and reduce delays.

Statewide or Regional Freight Planning

Analyze truck activity to address safety, reliability, mobility, and environmental impacts.

Freight Resiliency Plan

Identify the most critical corridors in the freight network for supply chain efficiency and resiliency.

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Freight Traffic Data Enables Safer, More Efficient Truck Routing

Read success story
The challenge

Freight traffic in Alameda County was increasing and interfering with bike and pedestrian movements, leading to concerns about safety and efficiency in residential areas.​ Planners had historically found it challenging to gather data via traditional methods such as surveys for such large regions.

Data-based solution

Caltrans and engineers from Kittelson & Associates used StreetLight to launch a study of freight truck movement for the region. The analysis helped the team measure roadway performance, truck traffic studies, and more. ​Caltrans shared the results with study area cities, counties, and others to inform local prioritization of corridor improvements and routes that minimized truck interaction with pedestrians, cyclists, and transit.​

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StreetLight Freight Planning: At a glance

Get started
Truck AADT, Speed

Understand segment-level truck movement patterns to measure capacity and optimize freight routes.

Vehicle Classifications

Get truck data based on light-, medium-, and heavy-duty weight classification to enable infrastructure prioritization.

Congestion Metrics

Measure existing conditions and reliability on freight corridors with truck performance metrics, including delay hours, travel time reliability, and speeds.

Vehicle Attributes

Access detailed truck activity, including industry, vocation (long-haul vs. local delivery), and more.

Journey Attributes

Analyze trends, including intra- vs. out-of-state traffic on truck travel and goods moving in and out for supply chain efficiency.

Charts and Visualizations

Access 3D maps and metrics by weekend, weekdays and peak hours.

Check out other StreetLight products

Access our full suite of tools and visualizations to solve all your most pressing transportation planning challenges.

Corridor Studies

Accelerate corridor improvements with multi-year mobility trends, available in minutes.

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Congestion Management

Solve bottlenecks with quick access to multi-year traffic insights for all your roads in one easy-to-use platform.

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Safety Planning

Pinpoint the most high-risk locations across your entire multimodal network.

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Transportation Modeling

Power your transportation models with trusted route choice data, including traffic volumes, available in minutes and at scale.

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Our Customers

See why they chose StreetLight

StreetLight can be very effective in refining an analysis and a deep dive study. We could create a narrative that helped us set priorities.
Alex Garbier
Senior Engineering Associate
StreetLight Data is the most efficient way for us to differentiate if the truck traffic was long-haul or short-haul.
Chunyu Lu
Data Modeling and Forecasting Manager
We started this study by detangling a huge set of data to help us understand the existing geography of truck movement in the city. These patterns helped us establish a plan that could enable changes to the corridor.
April Schneider
Senior Associate
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Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about StreetLight’s freight planning product features, benefits, and more.

What is the Freight Planning solution?

StreetLight’s Freight Planning solution delivers the most commonly needed transportation metrics for freight planning, such as vehicle volumes, speeds, trip lengths, travel times, and Origin-Destination (O-D) patterns separated out by vehicle weight class (i.e., light-, medium-, and heavy-duty).

What needs can be solved by the Freight Planning solution?

StreetLight’s Freight Planning solution provides detailed truck activity data to analyze truck traffic patterns. Several StreetLight customers use the solution to fill data gaps for their state and regional freight plan, identify bottlenecks, measure truck activity near ports/borders, and analyze the impact of e-commerce, freight resiliency, and more.

How recent is the truck data?

You can get truck data that is as recent as last month.

Do you provide truck data for Canada?

Truck data is available for both the U.S. and Canada.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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