StreetLight Resources
Dive into the world of transportation data
Navigate the ever-evolving world of transportation planning with StreetLight as your trusted guide. Our comprehensive resource hub provides you with the knowledge, connections, and tools you need to make informed decisions and build a more efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation network
Transportation Climate Impact Index
Download our 2024 U.S. Transportation Climate Impact Index to learn where your city ranks across eight key emissions factors.
Solve Congestion Faster: Fix gridlock traffic and get your community moving
EV Experts Panel: Plan your Infrastructure for the EV Revolution
Transportation Safety Roundtable: The Data Behind Safe Streets for ALL
Exploring the Integration of NREL’s Mobility Energy Productivity Metric with StreetLight
Safer Intersections, Flowing Traffic: Putting On-Demand Turning Movement Counts to Work
AADT 2022 for ALL Roads: How to Advance Projects & Fill Reporting Requirements with On-Demand Traffic Counts
Build The Most Effective Transportation Model: Better Data to Reflect Changing Mobility
Get Ahead of Federal Grant Guidelines with Data-Supported Frameworks for Equitable Public Involvement
Streamlining the Corridor Study: How Analytics Shorten Timelines & Clarify Planning Priorities
Unleash the potential of data: Discover StreetLight
Explore the resources above and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We’re here to partner with you in building a smarter transportation future for your community.