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Retail site selection software

Select the best sites nationwide

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Validated nationwide traffic counts to make profitable retail site selection and operations decisions

Incorporate timely data-driven insights

Ensure up-to-date location data analysis with recent traffic counts.

Zoom in on any potential sites

View traffic in front of locations on downtown corridors, highways, residential streets, and even rural roads.

Capture all trips

Compare vehicle, truck, and foot traffic from walkable retail centers to industrial properties.

Use defensible data

Trust that insights are validated against permanent counters and by transportation agencies.

Access the industry’s deepest repository of transportation data


Miles of roadway covered


Monthly trips processed


Data sources incorporated

Power strategic location decisions with reliable traffic data

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Demand forecasting

See how many potential customers pass by sites during key times of day with traffic counts by direction over the course of the year.

Store operations

Adapt locations to efficiently fulfill in-store, drive-thru, and delivery orders with traffic data on nearby intersections, roads, and highways.

Property valuation

Evaluate property value and insurance factors like noise, pollution, and road safety tied to traffic volumes and speeds.

Trade area analysis

Assess the market for a target customer profile with traffic counts enhanced with demographics and trip purposes.

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StreetLight for Real Estate and Retail: At a glance

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Traffic counts and VMT

Analyze traffic counts and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) on more than 25 million road segments covering North America.

Temporal granularity

Reveal seasonal trends with traffic counts by day of the week and hour of the day for any month throughout the year and monitor changes over time.

Trip characteristics

Travel by direction and speed analysis help prioritize the best side-of-street retail to capture passing customers.

Demographics and trip purpose

Infer more about your target customers with contextual features like household income, race, family status, and why they’re traveling.

Multiple data delivery options

Site selection insights can be accessed in the web platform, delivered as a bulk file, or programmatically integrated via dedicated API.

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decoration image of city layout


Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about the StreetLight’s real estate and retail features, benefits, and more.

What is retail site selection software?

Retail site selection software assists retailers in making informed decisions about where to open a new location and may also assist with other real estate portfolio management decisions such as adjusting operating hours, staffing operations, or closing underperforming locations.

In the case of StreetLight, our platform enables retailers to measure customer demand at potential new locations as well as existing store locations based on nearby vehicle activity. Bike and pedestrian activity data may also be accessed, which can help inform demand for stores in highly walkable and/or bikeable locations.

How does retail site selection software work?

StreetLight’s site selection solution compiles data from connected vehicles and the Internet of Things (IoT) to generate insights about how vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians move. These trillions of data points are processed by our Route Science® engine to turn them into recognizable metrics such as traffic counts for individual road segments to help retailers investigate potential customer demand at various locations.

What types of data does the software consider?

The software considers a wide range of data types, including traffic counts, direction of travel, and turning movements at intersections to assess customer demand. It also incorporates origin-destination (O-D) data to analyze commuter patterns and vehicle speed data to determine where drivers might notice and visit a store. Additionally, it evaluates bike and pedestrian activity to help identify locations with high walkability and bikeability.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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