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Road safety solutions

Ensure safer roads for drivers, walkers, and cyclists

Power any phase of your safety planning with validated data that leads to better decisions. Whether you need data to enact targeted safety interventions or a tailored solution that helps you prioritize your safety investments, StreetLight has multiple road safety products to meet your needs.

Get started

Pinpoint the most high-risk locations across your entire multimodal network

Data-driven analytics to prioritize the right road safety improvements.

See risk across all roads

Up-to-date segment and spot-level volume and speed data for urban and rural roads.

Compare time trends

Show impacts on vehicular speed and congestion from countermeasure treatments and changes in travel patterns with before-and-after data.

Ensure equity

Better position yourself to win grants and support vulnerable road users by identifying areas of multimodal interactions and viewing Justice40 layers.

Align with AASHTO’s HSM process

Move faster, fulfilling multiple phases of the Highway Safety Manual and beyond.

Access rich, multimodal data inputs to power all your safety planning efforts

Get started
Safety planning

Identify the worst speeding and delays across day parts and design multimodal safety projects that improve bike and pedestrian safety.

Traffic calming

Visualize the 85th percentile speed at various points or along a corridor to justify planned interventions.

Roadway design

Quantify congestion, speeding, and volumes to justify multimodal infrastructure planning.

Before-and-after studies

Utilize empirical proof to evaluate road safety, performance of mitigation measures, and transportation policies.

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How Pittsburgh rebuilt the collapsed Fern Hollow Bridge to support pedestrians and bicyclists

Read success story
The challenge

After a bridge collapsed, the City of Pittsburgh wanted to rebuild a safer, more efficient traffic corridor that protected pedestrians, bicyclists as well as motorists. The city had to redesign the bridge and surrounding roadways while constructing the bridge on an extremely short timeline.

Data-based solution

The city used StreetLight’s historical traffic data to better understand traffic issues that existed before the bridge’s collapse and to model the impacts of proposed operational changes once the bridge reopened. The team performed complex analyses and identified where traffic on surrounding corridors was causing backups and crashes.

Less than a year after Fern Hollow collapsed, PennDOT opened the new bridge with improved road safety solutions, including protected bike lanes, simplified intersections, and additional traffic calming measures.

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StreetLight Safety Data Essentials: At a glance

Get started
Vehicle volumes and speed percentiles

Visualize segment and spot-level volume and speed, including 85th percentile speed at any site, to identify high-priority intersections, curves, or corridors.

Trip analytics

Measure the effectiveness of road safety solutions by comparing changes in volumes, VMT, delay hours, and travel time.

Charts and visualizations

Analyze traffic patterns by time of day, day of week, or season for safety evaluation.

Before-and-after data

Compare recent and historical trends across time periods to identify top locations that need improvements.

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StreetLight Safety Prioritize: At a glance

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Crash data and multimodal volume

Get integrated data from novel and traditional sources (crashes, connected vehicles, etc.).

Equity layers

Review equity layers for alignment with Justice40 for enhanced funding opportunities.

Safety improvement metrics

View heat maps of locations with a high potential for boosting road safety and areas over-indexing on vulnerable road users.

Network screening analytics

Pinpoint safety hotspots across your network with comprehensive and transparent regression analysis.

Countermeasure diagnosis

Informed countermeasure diagnosis with an interactive selection process, including cost-benefit analysis.

Before-and-after data

Monitor safety treatment effectiveness by integrating existing project locations and before-and-after crash analysis.

Check out other StreetLight products

Access our full suite of tools and visualizations to solve all your most pressing transportation planning challenges.

Intersection Studies

Streamline your region’s traffic flow with recent every-intersection traffic counts.

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Congestion Management

Solve bottlenecks with quick access to multi-year traffic insights for all your roads in one easy-to-use platform.

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Active Transportation

See the impact of biking and walking infrastructure in seconds with insights for your entire region across time.

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Freight Planning

Accelerate your freight planning decisions with the industry’s most robust truck activity data, available in minutes.

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Explore our library

Case studies, data-driven research, and timely articles to learn how StreetLight helps solve transportation safety challenges.

Our customers

See why they chose StreetLight

We no longer have to make assumptions about people’s trip activity and travel behaviors. Now we have data to support our research, and it separates fact from fiction.
Panini Chowdhury
Transportation Planning Manager, City of Pittsburgh
The data visualization created a light-bulb moment. It helped people see the magnitude of local and national freight moving through this area.
Timothy Nittle
Grants Coordinator, The City of Columbus
We got so much VRU volume data from StreetLight, that we could use 70% of the data to train existing models and 30% for cross validation.
Bryan O’Reilly
Geospatial Analyst, Burgess & Niple
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Quick answers to questions you may have

Discover everything about StreetLight’s Safety Solutions product features, benefits, and more.

What are road safety solutions, and why are they important?

StreetLight’s Safety Solutions offer purpose-built data analytics for transportation professionals and firm partners focused on improving roadway safety outcomes. Because these solutions cater specifically to safety improvement projects, they help transportation professionals get the data they need to diagnose dangerous roadway conditions quickly, pinpoint safety hotspots, highlight where vulnerable road users face the greatest risk of severe crashes, and illuminate which safety interventions may be the most beneficial for a given location.

What types of data are typically used in road safety analysis?

Vehicle speeds, vehicle volumes, and bike and pedestrian activity are among the core metrics used for road safety analyses. This is because vehicle speeds are so impactful to the likelihood and severity of crashes, whereas vehicle, bike, and pedestrian volumes help determine where and when crashes are most likely to occur, and where and when vulnerable road users (i.e., non-motorists, including cyclists and pedestrians) face the greatest exposure on a given roadway. These same metrics can also help predict the impact of potential safety improvements like road diets, speed limit reductions, or bike and pedestrian infrastructure.

Do I need to provide my own crash data for Safety Prioritize?

Yes, you will need to provide crash data so that it can be visualized in our Crash Data Viewer. This interactive dashboard helps you visualize digitized crash data and highlight the locations of crashes and their severity. Based on the data you provide, it can also be overlaid with any layers, including jurisdictions, equity focus areas, etc.

Can I still use StreetLight’s Safety Solutions if I don’t have crash data?

StreetLight’s suite of safety solutions include options that don’t require your crash data. Talk to a sales representative or your customer reps to learn more.

How can I align my safety projects with AASHTO’s safety standards?

StreetLight’s Safety Prioritize solution aligns with different phases of AASHTO’s Highway Safety Manual Process. We offer customizable modules, including a Crash Data Viewer, Network Screening, Countermeasure Treatments (leveraging Crash Modification Factors (CMF), a predictive Safety Improvement module, and a Measuring Effectiveness module to conduct before-and-after evaluations.

Do you provide vulnerable road user data?

Yes, both of StreetLight’s safety products provide multiple ways to assess vulnerable road user safety and transportation equity. Whether you use our Safety Data Essentials or Safety Prioritize solution, you can access data on vulnerable road user activity to help you prioritize areas with high concentrations of non-motorists.

Do you need data to inform your next project?

Talk to StreetLight about your needs, and join us in shaping a more efficient, sustainable world.

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